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Opportunities to Make a Difference

Switch to Renewable Natural Gas

If you use natural gas in your home, ask your local utility if they offer renewable natural gas.

Make the switch if they do.  If not, request that they begin offering an RNG option

Even if they don’t offer it today, knowing there is demand helps drive action

Advocate for a renewable natural gas (RNG) standard

Call the offices of your Senator’s and leave a message asking them to pass a RNG standard that requires utilities to source a certain percentage of their conventional natural gas with RNG

It takes less than two minutes and you can use the talking points below!

Senate Offices - Senators Phone Numbers (

Potential Talking Points

  • Hi, this is YOUR NAME and I'm deeply concerned about climate change
  • I urge the Senator to do all he/she can to pass solutions that get us to net zero by 2050
  • That includes passing legislation that requires utilities to source their natural gas from renewable sources
  • We shouldn't be drilling for more natural gas when we already have abundant sources we just need to capture

Show Notes

This Week’s Reason for Hope

U.N. Climate Conference is kicking off in Glasgow


  • Establish 2030 emission reduction targets that align w/ net zero by 2050
  • Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats
  • Mobilize at least $100B for developing countries annually
  • Finalize rules for implementing Paris Agreement

Australia and United States, among other nations, have pledged to reach net zero by 2050


COP26 Goals - UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) at the SEC – Glasgow 2021 (

Australia has been dragged kicking and screaming to a net zero plan before Glasgow, but we still trail the pack | Michael Mann and Christopher Wright | The Guardian

Biden Crafts a Climate Plan B: Tax Credits, Regulation and State Action - The New York Times (

The Long-Term Strategy of the United States, Pathways to Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050 (

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)

RNG should fall in cost as production ramps up

Wright’s Law  - cost of goods can fall on average about 15% with every doubling of manufacturing capacity


Experience curve effects - Wikipedia
